- Documentation (2.5.3)
- Release Notes
- Tutorials
- Reference
- Introduction
- System Properties
- Settings Files
- Ivy Files
- Ant Tasks
- artifactproperty
- artifactreport
- buildlist
- buildnumber
- buildobr
- cachefileset
- cachepath
- checkdepsupdate
- cleancache
- configure
- convertmanifest
- convertpom
- deliver
- dependencytree
- findrevision
- fixdeps
- info
- install
- listmodules
- makepom
- post resolve tasks
- publish
- report
- repreport
- resolve
- resources
- retrieve
- settings
- var
- Using standalone
- OSGi
- Developer doc
Making a release
Making a release
Requirements for making a release are similar to the requirements for building from source, except that Apache Ant 1.9+ is required.
1. Check the files which needs to be updated for the release.
On the master, check that files which require update for the release are up to date.
This includes particularly:
2. Check out a clean copy of the branch
Run the following git command to checkout the branch, revert any change and remove untracked and ignored files:
git checkout master
git reset --hard
git clean -d -x -f
3. Add Ivy xsd file.
You need to store the current Ivy XML schema in the documentation, so that it will later be accessible on public web site. To do so, run the following command in the directory in which you checked out the release branch:
ant -f build-release.xml release-xsd
And commit your changes in the branch:
git add asciidoc/ivy.xsd
git commit -m "release the ivy.xsd"
4. Launch the release script
ant -f build-release.xml release
The status should be release only for final releases, and milestone for any other intermediate release. If the release script is successful, release artifacts will be waiting for you in the build/distrib directory.
5. Verify the release
Check that all zips can be opened correctly, and that running ant
after unzipping the source distribution works properly.
You can also do a smoke test with the generated ivy.jar, to see if it is able to resolve properly a basic module (for instance, you can run some tutorials provided in the src/example directory in all distributions).
6. Sign the artifacts
It’s now time to sign the release artifacts and upload them to a location accessible by other Apache committers.
Here is a simple way to sign the files using gnupg:
gpg --armor --output file.zip.asc --detach-sig file.zip
Here is a ruby script you can use to sign the files:
require 'find'
Find.find('build/distrib') do |f|
`gpg --armor --output #{f}.asc --detach-sig #{f}` if File.file?(f) && ['.zip', '.gz', '.jar', '.pom'].include?(File.extname(f))
Be prepared to enter your passphrase several times if you use this script, gpg will ask for your passphrase for each file to sign.
7. Prepare the Eclipse update site
To be able to test the release within IvyDE, it can be deployed in the IvyDE update site. See that page to know how to process.
8. Publish the release candidate
All artifacts in build/distrib/dist
needs to be published on the 'dist' svn of the ASF, in the dev part.
The following command lines should do the job:
Make sure to use the right version number in the commit message. |
svn checkout -N https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivy build/distrib/dist
svn add build/distrib/dist/*
svn commit build/distrib/dist -m 'Ivy 2.4.0 distribution'
9. Publish the Maven artifact to Nexus
Having your GPG key ID, its password, your apache ID and the associated password, just launch Ant and enter the information as required:
ant -f build-release.xml upload-nexus
Once uploaded, log in https://repository.apache.org/ with your preferred web browser (use your Apache ID).
You should find there an open repository with the name of the form orgapacheant-XXXX
. It should contain the Maven artifacts: the pom, the jar, the sources, the javadocs and the sha and asc files.
Now close the staging repository, with the description "Ivy 2.0.0-beta1". Closing means you finished the upload and some automatic checks will run. You can see them in the Activity tab of the repository.
Once the checks passed, you can find in the Summary the URL of the staging repository. It will something like: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheant-XXXX/
10. Create a signed tag
As soon as you are happy with the artifacts to be released, it is time to tag the release
Use the right version number for the tag. For example, if you released 2.5.0 of Ivy, then the tag name should be 2.5.0 |
git tag -s 2.0.0-beta1 -m 'Release Ivy 2.0.0-beta1'
And push the changes to the ASF repo
git push --tags
11. Call for a vote to approve the release
Cast a vote to approve the release on the dev@ant.apache.org mailing list.
Here is an example:
Subject: [VOTE] Ivy ${version} Release
I have built a release candidate for Ivy ${version}
The git tag of this release is: https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ant-ivy.git;a=tag;h=refs/tags/${version} with the sha1 ${githash-of-tag}
The artifacts has been published to: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivy/${version} at revision ${svn-rev-of-the-check-in}
The staging Maven repository is available there: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheant-XXXX
The Eclipse updatesite has been build there: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ivy-${version}/
Do you vote for the release of these binaries?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
${me}, Ivy ${version} release manager
12. Publish the release
If the release is approved, it’s now time to make it public. The artifacts in the dev part needs to be moved into the release one:
svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivy/$VERSION https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ant/ivy/$VERSION
In order to keep the main dist area of a reasonable size, old releases should be removed. They will disappear from the main dist but will still be available via the archive. To do so, just use the svn rm
command against the artifacts or folders to remove.
13. Promote the Maven staging repository
Go log in https://repository.apache.org/ with your preferred web browser (use your Apache ID).
Select the appropriate orgapacheant-XXXX
repository and select the Release action.
14. Update the web site
It’s time to update the download image used on the home page and the download page. Use site/images/ivy-dl.xcf as a basis if you have gimp installed. Then you can update the home page to refer to this image, and add a news item announcing the new version. Update also the download page with the new image and update the links to the download location (using a search/replace on the html source is recommended for this).
The just release documentation should be added to the site. To do so, you need to:
edit the toc.json file in the site component of Ivy and add a piece of json with a title and an url; note that the version in the url must be the same as the tag in the git repo.
{ "title":"2.0.0-beta1", "url":"http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/2.0.0-beta1/index.html" }
from the distribution just released, install the doc into the site
ant install-doc -Dhistory.version=2.5.0-rc1 -Divy-dist.zip.url=https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ant/ivy/2.5.0-rc1/apache-ivy-2.5.0-rc1-bin.zip
Now let’s generate the website with the new toc:
ant /all generate-site
You should verify that the site generated in the production directory is OK. You can open the files with your preferred web browser like it was deployed.
And once your happy with it, commit the changes in the source directory, and in the production directory to get it actually deployed via svnpubsub.
Tip: lot’s of files might need to be 'added' to svn. An handy command to add
any file which is not yet under version control is the following one:
svn add --force sources
15. Deploy the Eclipse updatesite
If the Eclipse update site has already been prepared to include that new Ivy release, it is now needed to be deployed. Then follow the deployment instruction on that page.
16. Announce
Announce the release on the dev@ant.apache.org, ivy-user@ant.apache.org, user@ant.apache.org and announce@apache.org mailing lists. Note that announce@apache.org only accepts emails sent with an @apache.org address.
Suggested template:
Subject: [Announce] Release of Apache Ivy ${version}
The Apache Ivy project is pleased to announce its ${version} release.
Apache Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and
reporting) project dependencies, characterized by flexibility,
configurability, and tight integration with Apache Ant.
Key features of this ${version} release are:
As a release candidate version, we strongly encourage the use of this version for
testing and validation. From now on, features are frozen until final ${version} version,
only bug fixes will be applied before ${version}. If no outstanding bugs are reported
with this release candidate, it will promoted to ${version} about three weeks after this
release candidate.
Issues should be reported to:
Download the release at:
More information can be found on the Ivy website:
17. Update this doc
If you feel like anything is missing or misleading in this release doc, update it as soon as you encounter the problem.
18. Merge your modifications back to the master if necessary.
Modifications on the template files do not need to be merged, but if you had troubles during your release you may want to merge your fixes back to the trunk.
19. Prepare next release
In the master branch, update the file version.properties with the version of the next release so that anyone building from the trunk will obtain jar with the correct version number.
If the version just release is a final one (not an alpha, beta or rc), the list of changes should be emptied in doc/release-notes.html, and update there the next expected version. The announcement in the file should also be changed accordingly to the next expected version.
Release the version in jira, and create a new unreleased version for the next planned version.