- Documentation (2.5.3)
- Release Notes
- Tutorials
- Reference
- Introduction
- System Properties
- Settings Files
- Ivy Files
- Ant Tasks
- artifactproperty
- artifactreport
- buildlist
- buildnumber
- buildobr
- cachefileset
- cachepath
- checkdepsupdate
- cleancache
- configure
- convertmanifest
- convertpom
- deliver
- dependencytree
- findrevision
- fixdeps
- info
- install
- listmodules
- makepom
- post resolve tasks
- publish
- report
- repreport
- resolve
- resources
- retrieve
- settings
- var
- Using standalone
- OSGi
- Developer doc
Display a dependency tree on the console.
This is a post resolve task, with all the behaviour and attributes common to all post resolve tasks.
Please prefer the use of retrieve + standard Ant path creation, which make your build more independent from Ivy (once artifacts are properly retrieved, Ivy is not required any more).
Attribute | Description | Required |
showEvicted |
specify if evicted modules should be printed |
No. Defaults to |
conf |
a comma separated list of the configurations to take in consideration in the dependency tree |
No. Defaults to the configurations resolved by the last resolve call, or |
haltonfailure |
No. Defaults to |
validate |
true to force Ivy files validation against ivy.xsd, false to force no validation |
No. Defaults to default Ivy value (as configured in settings) |
settingsRef |
A reference to Ivy settings that must be used by this task (since 2.0) |
No, defaults to |
overwrite |
Overwrite the value of the property if it already exist (since 2.0). Before 2.0, the properties were always overwritten. |
No, |
Suppose we have two dependencies one called mydep in revision 2.0 and one called myotherdependency in revision 2.2. mydep has a transitive dependency on mytransitivedependency in revision 2.2.
will display the following tree in the console:
Dependency tree for foobar
+- org#mydep;2.0
\- org#mytransitivedependency;2.2
\- org#myotherdependency;2.2");