- Documentation (2.5.3)
- Release Notes
- Tutorials
- Reference
- Introduction
- System Properties
- Settings Files
- Ivy Files
- Ant Tasks
- artifactproperty
- artifactreport
- buildlist
- buildnumber
- buildobr
- cachefileset
- cachepath
- checkdepsupdate
- cleancache
- configure
- convertmanifest
- convertpom
- deliver
- dependencytree
- findrevision
- fixdeps
- info
- install
- listmodules
- makepom
- post resolve tasks
- publish
- report
- repreport
- resolve
- resources
- retrieve
- settings
- var
- Using standalone
- OSGi
- Developer doc
Using standalone
Ivy can be used as a standalone program very easily. All you need is a Java 7+ runtime environment (JRE)!
Then here is how to call it:
java -jar ivy.jar -?
It will display usage text as follows:
usage: ivy
==== settings options
-settings <settingsfile> use given file for settings
-properties <propertiesfile> use given file for properties not specified in set
-cache <cachedir> use given directory for cache
-novalidate do not validate ivy files against xsd
-m2compatible use Maven 2 compatibility
==== resolve options
-ivy <ivyfile> use given file as ivy file
-refresh refresh dynamic resolved revisions
-dependency <organisation> <module> <revision>
use this instead of ivy file to do the rest of the
work with this as a dependency.
-confs <configurations> resolve given configurations
-types <types> accepted artifact types
-mode <resolvemode> the resolve mode to use
-notransitive do not resolve dependencies transitively
==== retrieve options
-retrieve <retrievepattern> use given pattern as retrieve pattern
-ivypattern <pattern> use given pattern to copy the ivy files
-sync use sync mode for retrieve
-symlink create symbolic links
-overwriteMode <overwriteMode> use given overwrite mode for retrieve
==== cache path options
-cachepath <cachepathfile> outputs a classpath consisting of all dependencies
in cache (including transitive ones) of the given
ivy file to the given cachepathfile
==== deliver options
-deliverto <ivypattern> use given pattern as resolved ivy file pattern
==== publish options
-publish <resolvername> use given resolver to publish to
-publishpattern <artpattern> use given pattern to find artifacts to publish
-revision <revision> use given revision to publish the module
-status <status> use given status to publish the module
-overwrite overwrite files in the repository if they exist
==== makepom options
-makepom <pomfilepath> create a POM file for the module
==== http auth options
-realm <realm> use given realm for HTTP AUTH
-host <host> use given host for HTTP AUTH
-username <username> use given username for HTTP AUTH
-passwd <passwd> use given password for HTTP AUTH
==== launcher options
-main <main> the FQCN of the main class to launch
-args <args> the arguments to give to the launched process
-cp <cp> extra classpath to use when launching process
==== message options
-debug set message level to debug
-verbose set message level to verbose
-warn set message level to warn
-error set message level to error
==== help options
-? display this help
-deprecated show deprecated options
-version displays version information
(since 1.3) System properties are included as Ivy variables, so you can easily define an Ivy variable like this:
java -Dmyivyvar=myvalue org.apache.ivy.Main [parameters]
(since 2.5) Additional properties defined in a separate .properties
file (rather than Ivy settings) can be loaded using -properties
option like this:
java -jar ivy.jar -properties version.properties -main org.apache.tools.ant.Main
Prior to 2.5, Ivy -main created a classloader that used Ivy classloader as a parent. This is no longer the case; if your usage depended on Ivy classes being available, Ivy must be declared as a dependency of the component that you want to launch.
(since 2.5) Ivy can convert ivy.xml
files to pom.xml
files using -makepom
java -jar ivy.jar
calls Ivy with default configuration using ivy.xml in the current dir
java -jar ivy.jar -settings path/to/myivysettings.xml -ivy path/to/myivy.xml
calls Ivy with given Ivy settings file using given Ivy file
(since 1.3)
java -jar ivy.jar -settings path/to/myivysettings.xml -dependency apache commons-lang 2.0
calls Ivy with given Ivy settings file and resolve apache commons-lang 2.0
This is equivalent to:
java -jar ivy.jar -settings path/to/myivysettings.xml -ivy ivy.xml
with ivy.xml
like this:
<ivy-module version="1.0">
<info organisation="org"
<dependency org="apache" name="commons-lang" rev="2.0" conf="default->*"/>
(since 1.3)
java -jar ivy.jar -settings path/to/myivysettings.xml -ivy path/to/myivy.xml -cachepath mycachefile.txt
calls Ivy with given Ivy settings file and resolves the dependencies found in the given Ivy file, and then outputs the classpath of resolved artifacts in cache in a file. This file can then be used to define a classpath corresponding to all the resolved dependencies for any Java program.
(since 1.4)
java -jar ivy.jar -settings path/to/myivysettings.xml -dependency bar foo 2.0 -main org.bar.foo.FooMain
calls Ivy with given Ivy settings file and resolves the dependency bar
, and then runs org.foo.FooMain
class with the resolved artifacts as classpath.