Once a release have been build for Ivy or IvyDE, they should be pushed to the Eclipse updatesite so that Eclipse users will be able to update automatically their installed version of Ivy or IvyDE.
This doc is in two parts, the setup of the updatesite which will be the candidate for the vote of the Ivy or IvyDE release, and the final deployment once the release is accepted.
Important note: in this doc, the released version is denoted as $VERSION (and have to be replaced accordingly in every commands), but this is the OSGi one, not the usually shown one, in particular for release candidate versions. For instance an Ivy version can be 2.0.0-RC1 but the OSGi one, and the one to use here is 2.0.0.cr1.
Build a p2 repository
The svn location of the updatesite builder is there: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/ivy/updatesite/trunk . We will build the p2 repository dedicated to the version to release.- For an Ivy release:
As you have a build jar for Ivy, just do:ant build-ivy-p2-repo -Divy.jar=...../path/to/ivy.jar
For an IvyDE release:
The zip distribution needs to be unpacked into the updatesite directory:ant build-ivyde-p2-repo -Divyde.zip=...../path/to/org.apache.ivyde.feature-${VERSION}.zip
- For an Ivy release:
./signArtifacts.sh ivy-${VERSION}
For an IvyDE release:
./signArtifacts.sh ivyde-${VERSION}
Test the updatesite
The updatesite is ready to be tested at: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ivyde-${VERSION}In case of an unaccepted release
In case the release has not been accepted by the PMC, don't forget to cleanup the svn repository. To do so, just run:svn rm https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/eclipse-updatesite/ivyde-$VERSION -m 'Remove rejected release'
Deployment of a release
Clean up old releases
First, you may want to remove from the main repository references to the older releases. Note also that the ASF policy regarding the space occupied by the main dist is about rectricting to only have the main stable released version available there; older are archived on archiche.apache.org.To remove a version from the main dist, you'll need to remove the data and remove its reference in the main updatesite.
To remove the data:
svn rm https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ivyde-$OLD_VERSION -m 'Remove old version'Then the version listed in the updatesite are maintained in https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/ivy/updatesite/trunk/versions.xml Then you have to decide if the version you removed should be still listed in the Eclipse updatesite or not.
- To remove a version from the listed one, edit the file versions.xml
- If the version should no appear anymore, just delete the line about the deleted version.
- If the version should still be listed, prepend the reference to the old version by http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/ivy/updatesite/
Publish the p2 repository data
It is just about moving data (svn rm is not allowed, the two steps are required):svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ivyde-$VERSION https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ant/ivyde/updatesite/ -m 'publishing the p2 repo of the release of IvyDE $VERSION'
Regenerate the main repo
Last but not least, the p2 repository should now list the new release.Edit the file versions.xml, and add a line about the released version:
<child location='ivyde-2.1.0'/>NB: adding or removing lines in versions.xml infer that you should edit the size attribute in the versions.xml, it should correspond to the number of "child".
And run:
ant build-main-p2-repoAnd now commit every modification in dist/release.
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