
Tag: signers
since 2.2 Defines a list of detached signature generators usable in ivy. Each generator is identified by its name, given as an attribute.
The child tags used to configure the signature generator must be equal to the name of a signature generator type (either built-in or added with the typedef tag).
Ivy supports the following signature generator out of the box:
  • pgp
  • generates an OpenPGP compatible ASCII armored detached signature.

Child elements

any signature generatoradds a signature generator to the list of registered generators 1..n

Built-in Generators


This generator is capable of generating an OpenPGP compatible ASCII armored detached signature.

Remark: This generator uses the BouncyCastle OpenPGP library. Before this generator can be used, these libraries must be available on Ivy's classpath.

nameThe name of the signature generator. Yes
secringThe location of the secret keyring. No, defaults to ${user.home}/.gnupg/secring.gpg
keyIdThe identifier of the key to use. The keyword 'auto' can be used to indicate a key will be selected automatically. No, defaults to 'auto'.
passwordThe password of the private key. Yes


<pgp name="mypgp" password="my-password" />
Defines a detached signature generator with name 'mypgp' which uses the secret key ring on the default location and automatically selects a private key.

<pgp name="mypgp" password="my-password" keyId="123ABC45"/>
Same as before, but this time the key '123ABC45' is used to generate the detached signature.