easyant task


Runs EasyAnt on a supplied buildmodule. This can be used to build easyant subprojects.
When the buildmodule attribute is omitted, the file "module.ivy" in the supplied directory (dir attribute) is used.

If no target attribute is supplied, the default target of the new project is used.


Parameter name Description Mandatory
targets targets to run
fork specify if the easyant process should be in a separated ant context or use the current one
Default: true
moduleIvy name of the build module
Default: module.ivy
moduleAnt name of the additional ant file
Default: module.ant
buildConfiguration activate some build configurations
configurationFile path to easyant configuration file. This File is used to configure system plugins, global properties, etc... See this page for more informations. If not set easyant will use the default one.
configurationUrl path to easyant configuration url. This File is used to configure system plugins, global properties, etc... See this page for more informations. If not set easyant will use the default one.


Run package phase in current context
    <ea:easyant fork="false" targets="package"/>
Run default targets in a separated context (forked)
  <ea:easyant fork="false" targets="package"/>
Import easyant build types plugins and execute package phase in the current ant context
  <ea:easyant fork="false" targets="package"/>
Import easyant build types and plugins in current ant context without executing any targets. Everything defined in easyant project will be accessible trough easyant. You can compare this with ant import mechanism.
  <ea:easyant fork="false"/>
Suppose you have the following build.xml
<project name="myAntProject">
<ea:easyant fork="false"/>
Running ant -p will display all targets, phases defined by easyant.