Class WebsphereDeploymentTool

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WebsphereDeploymentTool extends GenericDeploymentTool
WebSphere deployment tool that augments the ejbjar task. Searches for the WebSphere specific deployment descriptors and adds them to the final ejb jar file. WebSphere has two specific descriptors for session beans:
  • ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi
  • ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi
and another two for container managed entity beans:
  • Map.mapxmi
  • Schema.dbxmi
In terms of WebSphere, the generation of container code and stubs is called deployment. This step can be performed by the websphere element as part of the jar generation process. If the switch ejbdeploy is on, the ejbdeploy tool from the WebSphere toolset is called for every ejb-jar. Unfortunately, this step only works, if you use the ibm jdk. Otherwise, the rmic (called by ejbdeploy) throws a ClassFormatError. Be sure to switch ejbdeploy off, if run ant with sun jdk.