Class IntrospectionHelper


public final class IntrospectionHelper extends Object
Helper class that collects the methods a task or nested element holds to set attributes, create nested elements or hold PCDATA elements. It contains hashtables containing classes that use introspection to handle all the invocation of the project-component specific methods. This class is somewhat complex, as it implements the O/X mapping between Ant XML and Java class instances. This is not the best place for someone new to Ant to start contributing to the codebase, as a change here can break the entire system in interesting ways. Always run a full test of Ant before checking in/submitting changes to this file. The class is final and has a private constructor. To get an instance for a specific (class,project) combination, use getHelper(Project,Class). This may return an existing version, or a new one not make any assumptions about its uniqueness, or its validity after the Project instance has finished its build.