
Deliver a resolved descriptor of the current module, and possibly perform a recursive delivery of dependencies.

This task does two main things:

Generate a resolved Ivy file

This task generates a resolved descriptor of the current module, based upon the last resolve done. The resolved Ivy file contains updated information about the delivered module, such as revision and status.

Moreover, all included configurations' files are included in the Ivy file, and variables are replaced by their values.

Finally, in the resolved Ivy file, dynamic revisions are replaced by the static ones that have been found during the resolve step, so the Ivy file can be used later safely to obtain the same dependencies (providing that a revision uniquely identifies a module, which should be the case for proper Ivy use).

(since 1.3) The replacement of dynamic revisions by static ones can be turned off, so that dynamic revisions are kept in the Ivy file. This is an exception to the recommended standard that published module descriptors be fully resolved, so use it with caution.

Recursive delivery

This is done only if a deliver target is given to the deliver task.

If a deliver target is set, then it is called (via an antcall) for each dependency which has not a sufficient status compared to the deliver status set for this task. This means that if you deliver an integration revision, no recursive delivery will be done.

If you deliver a milestone or a release revision, deliver target will be called with each integration dependency.

The deliver target is called with the following properties available:

  • the name of the dependency to recursively deliver

  • dependency.published.status: the status to which the dependency should be delivered

  • dependency.published.version: the revision to which the dependency should be delivered

  • dependency.version: the revision of the dependency that should be delivered (the one that was retrieved during last resolve)

Both dependency.published.status and dependency.published.version can be either asked to the user through Ant input tasks (default behaviour), or be always the same for the whole recursive delivery process if the following properties are set:

  • set to the status to which all dependencies requiring to be delivered will be

  • set to the version to which all dependencies requiring to be delivered will be

Usually the deliver target itself triggers an another Ant build (using the ant task) even if this is up to you to decide.

The delivered Ivy file will update its dependency revisions with those given here.

deliver and publish

The deliver task is most of the time not called explicitly, but rather called automatically by the publish task. So, when shall the deliver task be called explicitly? When you actually need to separate what is performed by the deliver task (see above), from what is performed by the publish task, i.e. upload a module to a repository.

And this can be particularly useful if you want to process the generated Ivy file before uploading it (if you want to add automatically more information like an SCM tag used, the user who performed the release, …​).

It can also be useful if you want to trigger a recursive delivery and then ensure that you get the recursively delivered modules as dependencies. In this case your build order may look like this:

  • ivy:configure

  • ivy:resolve

  • ivy:deliver with recursive delivery

  • ivy:resolve again with the Ivy file generated by the recursive delivery

  • do your build stuff (compile, jar, whatever)

  • ivy:publish


Attribute Description Required


the pattern to use for Ivy file delivery

No. Defaults to ${ivy.deliver.ivy.pattern}


the revision to use for the publication

No. Defaults to ${ivy.deliver.revision} if set, or the revision resolved if set, or a timestamp


the branch to use for the publication

No. Defaults to ${ivy.deliver.branch} if set, or the branch resolved if set, or nothing (branch info won’t be updated)


the publication date to use for the publication. This date should be either now, or a date given with the following pattern: yyyyMMddHHmmss

No. Defaults to now


the status to use for the publication

No. Defaults to ${ivy.status}


the target to call for recursive delivery

No. No recursive delivery is done by default


true to force Ivy files validation against ivy.xsd, false to force no validation

No. Defaults to default Ivy value (as configured in settings)


true to replace dynamic revisions by static ones in the delivered file, false to avoid this replacement (since 1.3)

No. Defaults to true


true to replace revisions (static or dynamic) by the revision of the resolver in forced mode, false to avoid this replacement (since 2.2)

No. Defaults to false


if a descriptor extends a parent, merge the inherited information directly into the delivered descriptor. The extends element itself will be commented out in the delivered descriptor. (since 2.2)

No. Defaults to true.


A reference to Ivy settings that must be used by this task (since 2.0)

No. Defaults to ivy.instance.


comma-separated list of configurations to include in the delivered file. Accepts wildcards. (since 2.0)

No. Defaults to all configurations


true to automatically generate a revConstraint attribute in the delivered file (see the dependency page for more info about this attribute), false to never generate this attribute (since 2.1)

No. Defaults to true


Deliver an Ivy file without the private configurations:

<deliver conf="*(public)"/>