
[since 2.3] (Ant 1.7 required)

ivy:resources is an Ant resource collection, containing files found by an Ivy resolve, which then can be used with any task working with resources like copy or import.

This datatype shares the same attributes, child elements and behaviour of a post resolve task. It is not expected to be used as an Ant task though, only as a resource collection.


<ivy:resources file="path/to/ivy.xml"/>

Build a resource collection of every artifacts of all dependencies declared in path/to/ivy.xml file.

<ivy:resources file="path/to/ivy.xml" transitive="false"/>

Same as above, but with transitive dependencies disabled.

<ivy:resources file="path/to/ivy.xml" conf="default, test"/>

Build a resource collection of every artifacts of the dependencies declared in the configuration default and test of the path/to/ivy.xml file.

<ivy:resources file="path/to/ivy.xml" type="jar"/>

Build a resource collection of every jar artifact of all dependencies declared in path/to/ivy.xml file.

<ivy:resources organisation="apache" module="commons-lang" revision="2+" inline="true"/>

Build a resource collection of every artifacts of commons-lang module revision 2+ from the repository, with its dependencies.

    <dependency org="apache" module="commons-lang" rev="2+"/>
    <dependency org="apache" module="commons-logging" rev="1.1"/>
    <exclude org="apache" module="log4j"/>

Build a resource collection of every artifacts of both commons-lang and commons-logging, with their dependencies but not log4j.

    <dependency org="org.slf4j" module="slf4j" rev="1.6" conf="api,log4j"/>

Build a resource collection of every artifacts of the configurations api and log4j of slf4j.