
Display a dependency tree on the console.

This is a post resolve task, with all the behaviour and attributes common to all post resolve tasks.

Please prefer the use of retrieve + standard ant path creation, which make your build more independent from ivy (once artifacts are properly retrieved, ivy is not required any more).


showEvictedspecify if evicted modules should be printed No. Defaults to false
confa comma separated list of the configurations to take in consideration in the dependency tree No. Defaults to the configurations resolved by the last resolve call, or * if no resolve was explicitly called
haltonfailuretrue to halt the build on ivy failure, false to continueNo. Defaults to true
validatetrue to force ivy files validation against ivy.xsd, false to force no validation No. Defaults to default ivy value (as configured in configuration file)
settingsRefA reference to the ivy settings that must be used by this task (since 2.0)No, 'ivy.instance' is taken by default.
overwriteOverwrite the value of the property if it already exist (since 2.0). Before 2.0, the properties were always overwritten.No, 'false' by default.


Suppose we have two dependencies one called mydep in revision 2.0 and one called myotherdependency in revision 2.2.
mydep has a transitive dependency on mytransitivedependency in revision 2.2.

<dependencytree />
will display the following tree in the console:
Dependency tree for foobar
+- org#mydep;2.0
\- org#mytransitivedependency;2.2
\- org#myotherdependency;2.2");