Class Funtest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Funtest extends Task
Task to provide functional testing under Ant, with a fairly complex workflow of:
  • Conditional execution
  • Application to start
  • A probe to "waitfor" before running tests
  • A tests sequence
  • A reporting sequence that runs after the tests have finished
  • A "teardown" clause that runs after the rest.
  • Automated termination of the program it executes, if a timeout is not met
  • Checking of a failure property and automatic raising of a fault (with the text in failureText) if test shutdown and reporting succeeded
The task is designed to be framework neutral; it will work with JUnit, TestNG and other test frameworks That can be executed from Ant. It bears a resemblance to the FunctionalTest task from SmartFrog, as the attribute names were chosen to make migration easier. However, this task benefits from the ability to tweak Ant's internals, and so simplify the workflow, and from the experience of using the SmartFrog task. No code has been shared.
Ant 1.8