All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FTP extends Task
Basic FTP client. Performs the following actions:
  • send - send files to a remote server. This is the default action.
  • get - retrieve files from a remote server.
  • del - delete files from a remote server.
  • list - create a file listing.
  • chmod - change unix file permissions.
  • rmdir - remove directories, if empty, from a remote server.
Note: Some FTP servers - notably the Solaris server - seem to hold data ports open after a "retr" operation, allowing them to timeout instead of shutting them down cleanly. This happens in active or passive mode, and the ports will remain open even after ending the FTP session. FTP "send" operations seem to close ports immediately. This behavior may cause problems on some systems when downloading large sets of files.
Ant 1.3
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FTP

      public FTP()
  • Method Details

    • setRemotedir

      public void setRemotedir(String dir)
      Sets the remote directory where files will be placed. This may be a relative or absolute path, and must be in the path syntax expected by the remote server. No correction of path syntax will be performed.
      dir - the remote directory name.
    • setServer

      public void setServer(String server)
      Sets the FTP server to send files to.
      server - the remote server name.
    • setPort

      public void setPort(int port)
      Sets the FTP port used by the remote server.
      port - the port on which the remote server is listening.
    • setUserid

      public void setUserid(String userid)
      Sets the login user id to use on the specified server.
      userid - remote system userid.
    • setUseFtps

      public void setUseFtps(boolean useFtps)
      Whether to use ftps instead of ftp.
    • add

      public void add(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier)
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
      Sets the login password for the given user id.
      password - the password on the remote system.
    • setAccount

      public void setAccount(String pAccount)
      Sets the login account to use on the specified server.
      pAccount - the account name on remote system
      Ant 1.7
    • setBinary

      public void setBinary(boolean binary)
      If true, uses binary mode, otherwise text mode (default is binary).
      binary - if true use binary mode in transfers.
    • setPassive

      public void setPassive(boolean passive)
      Specifies whether to use passive mode. Set to true if you are behind a firewall and cannot connect without it. Passive mode is disabled by default.
      passive - true is passive mode should be used.
    • setVerbose

      public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
      Set to true to receive notification about each file as it is transferred.
      verbose - true if verbose notifications are required.
    • setNewer

      public void setNewer(boolean newer)
      A synonym for depends. Set to true to transmit only new or changed files. See the related attributes timediffmillis and timediffauto.
      newer - if true only transfer newer files.
    • setTimeDiffMillis

      public void setTimeDiffMillis(long timeDiffMillis)
      number of milliseconds to add to the time on the remote machine to get the time on the local machine. use in conjunction with newer
      timeDiffMillis - number of milliseconds
      ant 1.6
    • setTimeDiffAuto

      public void setTimeDiffAuto(boolean timeDiffAuto)
      "true" to find out automatically the time difference between local and remote machine. This requires right to create and delete a temporary file in the remote directory.
      timeDiffAuto - true = find automatically the time diff
      ant 1.6
    • setPreserveLastModified

      public void setPreserveLastModified(boolean preserveLastModified)
      Set to true to preserve modification times for "gotten" files.
      preserveLastModified - if true preserver modification times.
    • setDepends

      public void setDepends(boolean depends)
      Set to true to transmit only files that are new or changed from their remote counterparts. The default is to transmit all files.
      depends - if true only transfer newer files.
    • setSeparator

      public void setSeparator(String separator)
      Sets the remote file separator character. This normally defaults to the Unix standard forward slash, but can be manually overridden using this call if the remote server requires some other separator. Only the first character of the string is used.
      separator - the file separator on the remote system.
    • setChmod

      public void setChmod(String theMode)
      Sets the file permission mode (Unix only) for files sent to the server.
      theMode - unix style file mode for the files sent to the remote system.
    • setUmask

      public void setUmask(String theUmask)
      Sets the default mask for file creation on a unix server.
      theUmask - unix style umask for files created on the remote server.
    • addFileset

      public void addFileset(FileSet set)
      A set of files to upload or download
      set - the set of files to be added to the list of files to be transferred.
    • setAction

      @Deprecated public void setAction(String action) throws BuildException
      since 1.5.x. setAction(String) is deprecated and is replaced with setAction(FTP.Action) to make Ant's Introspection mechanism do the work and also to encapsulate operations on the type in its own class.
      Sets the FTP action to be taken. Currently accepts "put", "get", "del", "mkdir", "chmod", "list", and "site".
      action - the FTP action to be performed.
      BuildException - if the action is not a valid action.
    • setAction

      public void setAction(FTP.Action action) throws BuildException
      Sets the FTP action to be taken. Currently accepts "put", "get", "del", "mkdir", "chmod", "list", and "site".
      action - the FTP action to be performed.
      BuildException - if the action is not a valid action.
    • setListing

      public void setListing(File listing)
      The output file for the "list" action. This attribute is ignored for any other actions.
      listing - file in which to store the listing.
    • setSkipFailedTransfers

      public void setSkipFailedTransfers(boolean skipFailedTransfers)
      If true, enables unsuccessful file put, delete and get operations to be skipped with a warning and the remainder of the files still transferred.
      skipFailedTransfers - true if failures in transfers are ignored.
    • setIgnoreNoncriticalErrors

      public void setIgnoreNoncriticalErrors(boolean ignoreNoncriticalErrors)
      set the flag to skip errors on directory creation. (and maybe later other server specific errors)
      ignoreNoncriticalErrors - true if non-critical errors should not cause a failure.
    • setSystemTypeKey

      public void setSystemTypeKey(FTP.FTPSystemType systemKey)
      Sets the systemTypeKey attribute. Method for setting FTPClientConfig remote system key.
      systemKey - the key to be set - BUT if blank the default value of null (which signifies "autodetect") will be kept.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setDefaultDateFormatConfig

      public void setDefaultDateFormatConfig(String defaultDateFormat)
      Sets the defaultDateFormatConfig attribute.
      defaultDateFormat - configuration to be set, unless it is null or empty string, in which case ignored.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setRecentDateFormatConfig

      public void setRecentDateFormatConfig(String recentDateFormat)
      Sets the recentDateFormatConfig attribute.
      recentDateFormat - configuration to be set, unless it is null or empty string, in which case ignored.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setServerLanguageCodeConfig

      public void setServerLanguageCodeConfig(FTP.LanguageCode serverLanguageCode)
      Sets the serverLanguageCode attribute.
      serverLanguageCode - configuration to be set, unless it is null or empty string, in which case ignored.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setServerTimeZoneConfig

      public void setServerTimeZoneConfig(String serverTimeZoneId)
      Sets the serverTimeZoneConfig attribute.
      serverTimeZoneId - configuration to be set, unless it is null or empty string, in which case ignored.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setShortMonthNamesConfig

      public void setShortMonthNamesConfig(String shortMonthNames)
      Sets the shortMonthNamesConfig attribute
      shortMonthNames - configuration to be set, unless it is null or empty string, in which case ignored.
      See Also:
      • FTPClientConfig
    • setRetriesAllowed

      public void setRetriesAllowed(String retriesAllowed)
      Defines how many times to retry executing FTP command before giving up. Default is 0 - try once and if failure then give up.
      retriesAllowed - number of retries to allow. -1 means keep trying forever. "forever" may also be specified as a synonym for -1.
    • getSystemTypeKey

      public String getSystemTypeKey()
      Returns the systemTypeKey.
    • getDefaultDateFormatConfig

      public String getDefaultDateFormatConfig()
      Returns the defaultDateFormatConfig.
    • getRecentDateFormatConfig

      public String getRecentDateFormatConfig()
      Returns the recentDateFormatConfig.
    • getServerLanguageCodeConfig

      public String getServerLanguageCodeConfig()
      Returns the serverLanguageCodeConfig.
    • getServerTimeZoneConfig

      public String getServerTimeZoneConfig()
      Returns the serverTimeZoneConfig.
    • getShortMonthNamesConfig

      public String getShortMonthNamesConfig()
      Returns the shortMonthNamesConfig.
    • setTimestampGranularity

      public void setTimestampGranularity(FTP.Granularity timestampGranularity)
      Sets the timestampGranularity attribute
      timestampGranularity - The timestampGranularity to set.
    • setSiteCommand

      public void setSiteCommand(String siteCommand)
      Sets the siteCommand attribute. This attribute names the command that will be executed if the action is "site".
      siteCommand - The siteCommand to set.
    • setInitialSiteCommand

      public void setInitialSiteCommand(String initialCommand)
      Sets the initialSiteCommand attribute. This attribute names a site command that will be executed immediately after connection.
      initialCommand - The initialSiteCommand to set.
    • setEnableRemoteVerification

      public void setEnableRemoteVerification(boolean b)
      Whether to verify that data and control connections are connected to the same remote host.
      b - boolean
      Ant 1.8.0
    • setDataTimeout

      public void setDataTimeout(int dataTimeout)
      Sets the timeout on the data connection in milliseconds. Any negative value is discarded and leaves the default A value of 0 means an infinite timeout
      dataTimeout - int
      Ant 1.10.7
    • setWakeUpTransferInterval

      public void setWakeUpTransferInterval(int wakeUpTransferInterval)
      Sets the time interval when we should automatically call a command triggering a transfer The parameter is in seconds
      wakeUpTransferInterval - int
      Ant 1.10.7
    • checkAttributes

      protected void checkAttributes() throws BuildException
      Checks to see that all required parameters are set.
      BuildException - if the configuration is not valid.
    • executeRetryable

      protected void executeRetryable(RetryHandler h, Retryable r, String descr) throws IOException
      Executable a retryable object.
      h - the retry handler.
      r - the object that should be retried until it succeeds or the number of retries is reached.
      descr - a description of the command that is being run.
      IOException - if there is a problem.
    • transferFiles

      protected int transferFiles( ftp, FileSet fs) throws IOException, BuildException
      For each file in the fileset, do the appropriate action: send, get, delete, or list.
      ftp - the FTPClient instance used to perform FTP actions
      fs - the fileset on which the actions are performed.
      the number of files to be transferred.
      IOException - if there is a problem reading a file
      BuildException - if there is a problem in the configuration.
    • transferFiles

      protected void transferFiles( ftp) throws IOException, BuildException
      Sends all files specified by the configured filesets to the remote server.
      ftp - the FTPClient instance used to perform FTP actions
      IOException - if there is a problem reading a file
      BuildException - if there is a problem in the configuration.
    • resolveFile

      protected String resolveFile(String file)
      Correct a file path to correspond to the remote host requirements. This implementation currently assumes that the remote end can handle Unix-style paths with forward-slash separators. This can be overridden with the separator task parameter. No attempt is made to determine what syntax is appropriate for the remote host.
      file - the remote file name to be resolved
      the filename as it will appear on the server.
    • createParents

      protected void createParents( ftp, String filename) throws IOException, BuildException
      Creates all parent directories specified in a complete relative pathname. Attempts to create existing directories will not cause errors.
      ftp - the FTP client instance to use to execute FTP actions on the remote server.
      filename - the name of the file whose parents should be created.
      IOException - under non documented circumstances
      BuildException - if it is impossible to cd to a remote directory
    • isUpToDate

      protected boolean isUpToDate( ftp, File localFile, String remoteFile) throws IOException, BuildException
      Checks to see if the remote file is current as compared with the local file. Returns true if the target file is up to date.
      ftp - ftpclient
      localFile - local file
      remoteFile - remote file
      true if the target file is up to date
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - if the date of the remote files cannot be found and the action is GET_FILES
    • doSiteCommand

      protected void doSiteCommand( ftp, String theCMD) throws IOException, BuildException
      Sends a site command to the ftp server
      ftp - ftp client
      theCMD - command to execute
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - in unknown circumstances
    • sendFile

      protected void sendFile( ftp, String dir, String filename) throws IOException, BuildException
      Sends a single file to the remote host. filename may contain a relative path specification. When this is the case, sendFile will attempt to create any necessary parent directories before sending the file. The file will then be sent using the entire relative path spec - no attempt is made to change directories. It is anticipated that this may eventually cause problems with some FTP servers, but it simplifies the coding.
      ftp - ftp client
      dir - base directory of the file to be sent (local)
      filename - relative path of the file to be send locally relative to dir remotely relative to the remotedir attribute
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - in unknown circumstances
    • delFile

      protected void delFile( ftp, String filename) throws IOException, BuildException
      Delete a file from the remote host.
      ftp - ftp client
      filename - file to delete
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - if skipFailedTransfers is set to false and the deletion could not be done
    • rmDir

      protected void rmDir( ftp, String dirname) throws IOException, BuildException
      Delete a directory, if empty, from the remote host.
      ftp - ftp client
      dirname - directory to delete
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - if skipFailedTransfers is set to false and the deletion could not be done
    • getFile

      protected void getFile( ftp, String dir, String filename) throws IOException, BuildException
      Retrieve a single file from the remote host. filename may contain a relative path specification.

      The file will then be retrieved using the entire relative path spec - no attempt is made to change directories. It is anticipated that this may eventually cause problems with some FTP servers, but it simplifies the coding.

      ftp - the ftp client
      dir - local base directory to which the file should go back
      filename - relative path of the file based upon the ftp remote directory and/or the local base directory (dir)
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - if skipFailedTransfers is false and the file cannot be retrieved.
    • listFile

      protected void listFile( ftp, BufferedWriter bw, String filename) throws IOException, BuildException
      List information about a single file from the remote host. filename may contain a relative path specification.

      The file listing will then be retrieved using the entire relative path spec - no attempt is made to change directories. It is anticipated that this may eventually cause problems with some FTP servers, but it simplifies the coding.

      ftp - ftp client
      bw - buffered writer
      filename - the directory one wants to list
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - in unknown circumstances
    • makeRemoteDir

      protected void makeRemoteDir( ftp, String dir) throws IOException, BuildException
      Create the specified directory on the remote host.
      ftp - The FTP client connection
      dir - The directory to create (format must be correct for host type)
      IOException - in unknown circumstances
      BuildException - if ignoreNoncriticalErrors has not been set to true and a directory could not be created, for instance because it was already existing. Precisely, the codes 521, 550 and 553 will trigger a BuildException
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Runs the task.
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - if the task fails or is not configured correctly.
    • log

      void log(String msg, int level)