Class Classloader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Classloader extends Task
EXPERIMENTAL Create or modifies ClassLoader. The required pathRef parameter will be used to add classpath elements. The classpath is a regular path. Currently only file components are supported (future extensions may allow URLs). You can modify the core loader by not specifying any name or using "ant.coreLoader". (the core loader is used to load system ant tasks and for taskdefs that don't specify an explicit path). Taskdef and typedef can use the loader you create if the name follows the "ant.loader.NAME" pattern. NAME will be used as a pathref when calling taskdef. This tasks will not modify the core loader if "build.sysclasspath=only" The typical use is:
  <path id="ant.deps" >
     <fileset dir="myDir" >
        <include name="junit.jar, bsf.jar, js.jar, etc"/>

  <classloader pathRef="ant.deps" />