
  • Class
    A base class for creating tasks for executing commands on Visual SourceSafe.
    Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for file time stamp.
    Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for writable filess.
    Performs Add commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Performs CheckIn commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Performs CheckOut commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Holds all the constants for the VSS tasks.
    Performs CP (Change Project) commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Creates a new project in Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Perform Get commands from Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Performs History commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
    Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for style.
    Performs Label commands to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.