Class BorlandDeploymentTool

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExecuteStreamHandler, EJBDeploymentTool

public class BorlandDeploymentTool extends GenericDeploymentTool implements ExecuteStreamHandler
BorlandDeploymentTool is dedicated to the Borland Application Server 4.5 and 4.5.1 This task generates and compiles the stubs and skeletons for all ejb described into the Deployment Descriptor, builds the jar file including the support files and verify whether the produced jar is valid or not. The supported options are:
  • debug (boolean) : turn on the debug mode for generation of stubs and skeletons (default:false)
  • verify (boolean) : turn on the verification at the end of the jar production (default:true)
  • verifyargs (String) : add optional argument to verify command (see vbj com.inprise.ejb.util.Verify)
  • basdtd (String) : location of the BAS DTD
  • generateclient (boolean) : turn on the client jar file generation
  • version (int) : tell what is the Borland appserver version 4 or 5

      <ejbjar srcdir="${build.classes}"
        <borland destdir="tstlib">
          <classpath refid="classpath" />
        <include name="**\ejb-jar.xml"/>
        <support dir="${build.classes}">
          <include name="demo\smp\*.class"/>
          <include name="demo\helper\*.class"/>
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BorlandDeploymentTool

      public BorlandDeploymentTool()
  • Method Details

    • setDebug

      public void setDebug(boolean debug)
      set the debug mode for java2iiop (default false)
      debug - the setting to use.
    • setVerify

      public void setVerify(boolean verify)
      set the verify mode for the produced jar (default true)
      verify - the setting to use.
    • setSuffix

      public void setSuffix(String inString)
      Setter used to store the suffix for the generated borland jar file.
      inString - the string to use as the suffix.
    • setVerifyArgs

      public void setVerifyArgs(String args)
      sets some additional args to send to verify command
      args - additional command line parameters
    • setBASdtd

      public void setBASdtd(String inString)
      Setter used to store the location of the borland DTD. This can be a file on the system or a resource on the classpath.
      inString - the string to use as the DTD location.
    • setGenerateclient

      public void setGenerateclient(boolean b)
      setter used to store whether the task will include the generate client task. (see : BorlandGenerateClient task)
      b - if true generate the client task.
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(int version)
      setter used to store the borland appserver version [4 or 5]
      version - app server version 4 or 5
    • setJava2iiopParams

      public void setJava2iiopParams(String params)
      If filled, the params are added to the java2iiop command. (ex: -no_warn_missing_define)
      params - additional params for java2iiop
    • getBorlandDescriptorHandler

      protected DescriptorHandler getBorlandDescriptorHandler(File srcDir)
      Get the borland descriptor handler.
      srcDir - the source directory.
      the descriptor.
    • addVendorFiles

      protected void addVendorFiles(Hashtable<String,File> ejbFiles, String ddPrefix)
      Add any vendor specific files which should be included in the EJB Jar.
      addVendorFiles in class GenericDeploymentTool
      ejbFiles - the map to add the files to.
      ddPrefix - the prefix to use.
    • writeJar

      protected void writeJar(String baseName, File jarFile, Hashtable<String,File> files, String publicId) throws BuildException
      Method used to encapsulate the writing of the JAR file. Iterates over the filenames/ in the Hashtable stored on the instance variable ejbFiles.
      writeJar in class GenericDeploymentTool
      baseName - the base name.
      jarFile - the jar file to write to.
      files - the files to write to the jar.
      publicId - the id to use.
      BuildException - if there is an error.
    • start

      public void start() throws IOException
      Start handling of the streams..
      Specified by:
      start in interface ExecuteStreamHandler
      IOException - on error
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stop handling of the streams - will not be restarted..
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ExecuteStreamHandler
    • setProcessInputStream

      public void setProcessInputStream(OutputStream param1) throws IOException
      Install a handler for the input stream of the subprocess..
      Specified by:
      setProcessInputStream in interface ExecuteStreamHandler
      param1 - output stream to write to the standard input stream of the subprocess
      IOException - on error
    • setProcessOutputStream

      public void setProcessOutputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException
      Set the output stream of the process.
      Specified by:
      setProcessOutputStream in interface ExecuteStreamHandler
      is - the input stream.
      IOException - if there is an error.
    • setProcessErrorStream

      public void setProcessErrorStream(InputStream is) throws IOException
      Set the error stream of the process.
      Specified by:
      setProcessErrorStream in interface ExecuteStreamHandler
      is - the input stream.
      IOException - if there is an error.