Class ReplaceRegExp

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ReplaceRegExp extends Task
Performs regular expression string replacements in a text file. The input file(s) must be able to be properly processed by a Reader instance. That is, they must be text only, no binary. The syntax of the regular expression depends on the implementation that you choose to use. The system property ant.regexp.regexpimpl will be the classname of the implementation that will be used (the default is and requires the Jakarta Oro Package).
 Available implementations: (default)
        Uses Java's built-in regular expression package
        Requires  the jakarta-oro package
        Requires the jakarta-regexp package


   Call Syntax:

     <replaceregexp file="file"
                    byline="true|false"? >

    NOTE: You must have either the file attribute specified, or at least one fileset subelement
    to operation on.  You may not have the file attribute specified if you nest fileset elements
    inside this task.  Also, you cannot specify both match and a regular expression subelement at
    the same time, nor can you specify the replace attribute and the substitution subelement at
    the same time.


     file    --> A single file to operation on (mutually exclusive
                    with the fileset subelements)
     match   --> The Regular expression to match
     replace --> The Expression replacement string
     flags   --> The options to give to the replacement
                 g = Substitute all occurrences. default is to replace only the first one
                 i = Case insensitive match

     byline  --> Should this file be processed a single line at a time (default is false)
                 "true" indicates to perform replacement on a line by line basis
                 "false" indicates to perform replacement on the whole file at once.


     The following call could be used to replace an old property name in a ".properties"
     file with a new name.  In the replace attribute, you can refer to any part of the
     match expression in parenthesis using backslash followed by a number like '\1'.

     <replaceregexp file=""
                    byline="true" />

  • Constructor Details

    • ReplaceRegExp

      public ReplaceRegExp()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • setFile

      public void setFile(File file)
      file for which the regular expression should be replaced; required unless a nested fileset is supplied.
      file - The file for which the reg exp should be replaced.
    • setMatch

      public void setMatch(String match)
      the regular expression pattern to match in the file(s); required if no nested <regexp> is used
      match - the match attribute.
    • setReplace

      public void setReplace(String replace)
      The substitution pattern to place in the file(s) in place of the regular expression. Required if no nested <substitution> is used
      replace - the replace attribute
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(String flags)
      The flags to use when matching the regular expression. For more information, consult the Perl5 syntax.
      • g : Global replacement. Replace all occurrences found
      • i : Case Insensitive. Do not consider case in the match
      • m : Multiline. Treat the string as multiple lines of input, using "^" and "$" as the start or end of any line, respectively, rather than start or end of string.
      • s : Singleline. Treat the string as a single line of input, using "." to match any character, including a newline, which normally, it would not match.
      flags - the flags attribute
    • setByLine

      @Deprecated public void setByLine(String byline)
      since 1.6.x. Use setByLine(boolean).
      Process the file(s) one line at a time, executing the replacement on one line at a time. This is useful if you want to only replace the first occurrence of a regular expression on each line, which is not easy to do when processing the file as a whole. Defaults to false.
      byline - the byline attribute as a string
    • setByLine

      public void setByLine(boolean byline)
      Process the file(s) one line at a time, executing the replacement on one line at a time. This is useful if you want to only replace the first occurrence of a regular expression on each line, which is not easy to do when processing the file as a whole. Defaults to false.
      byline - the byline attribute
    • setEncoding

      public void setEncoding(String encoding)
      Specifies the encoding Ant expects the files to be in - defaults to the platforms default encoding.
      encoding - the encoding attribute
      Ant 1.6
    • addFileset

      public void addFileset(FileSet set)
      list files to apply the replacement to
      set - the fileset element
    • addConfigured

      public void addConfigured(ResourceCollection rc)
      Support arbitrary file system based resource collections.
      rc - ResourceCollection
      Ant 1.8.0
    • createRegexp

      public RegularExpression createRegexp()
      A regular expression. You can use this element to refer to a previously defined regular expression datatype instance
      the regular expression object to be configured as an element
    • createSubstitution

      public Substitution createSubstitution()
      A substitution pattern. You can use this element to refer to a previously defined substitution pattern datatype instance.
      the substitution pattern object to be configured as an element
    • setPreserveLastModified

      public void setPreserveLastModified(boolean b)
      Whether the file timestamp shall be preserved even if the file is modified.
      b - boolean
      Ant 1.8.0
    • doReplace

      protected String doReplace(RegularExpression r, Substitution s, String input, int options)
      Invoke a regular expression (r) on a string (input) using substitutions (s) for a matching regex.
      r - a regular expression
      s - a Substitution
      input - the string to do the replacement on
      options - The options for the regular expression
      the replacement result
    • doReplace

      protected void doReplace(File f, int options) throws IOException
      Perform the replacement on a file
      f - the file to perform the replacement on
      options - the regular expressions options
      IOException - if an error occurs
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Execute the task
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - is there is a problem in the task execution.