Class EchoProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EchoProperties extends Task
Displays all the current properties in the build. The output can be sent to a file if desired.

Attribute "destfile" defines a file to send the properties to. This can be processed as a standard property file later.

Attribute "prefix" defines a prefix which is used to filter the properties only those properties starting with this prefix will be echoed.

By default, the "failonerror" attribute is enabled. If an error occurs while writing the properties to a file, and this attribute is enabled, then a BuildException will be thrown. If disabled, then IO errors will be reported as a log statement, but no error will be thrown.


  <echoproperties  />
Report the current properties to the log.
  <echoproperties destfile="" />
Report the current properties to the file "", and will fail the build if the file could not be created or written to.
  <echoproperties destfile="" failonerror="false"
      prefix="ant" />
Report all properties beginning with 'ant' to the file "", and will log a message if the file could not be created or written to, but will still allow the build to continue.
Ant 1.5
  • Constructor Details

    • EchoProperties

      public EchoProperties()
  • Method Details

    • setSrcfile

      public void setSrcfile(File file)
      Sets the input file.
      file - the input file
    • setDestfile

      public void setDestfile(File destfile)
      Set a file to store the property output. If this is never specified, then the output will be sent to the Ant log.
      destfile - file to store the property output
    • setFailOnError

      public void setFailOnError(boolean failonerror)
      If true, the task will fail if an error occurs writing the properties file, otherwise errors are just logged.
      failonerror - true if IO exceptions are reported as build exceptions, or false if IO exceptions are ignored.
    • setPrefix

      public void setPrefix(String prefix)
      If the prefix is set, then only properties which start with this prefix string will be recorded. If regex is not set and if this is never set, or it is set to an empty string or null, then all properties will be recorded.

      For example, if the attribute is set as:

      <echoproperties  prefix="ant." />
      then the property "ant.home" will be recorded, but "ant-example" will not.
      prefix - The new prefix value
    • setRegex

      public void setRegex(String regex)
      If the regex is set, then only properties whose names match it will be recorded. If prefix is not set and if this is never set, or it is set to an empty string or null, then all properties will be recorded.

      For example, if the attribute is set as:

      <echoproperties  prefix=".*ant.*" />
      then the properties "ant.home" and "user.variant" will be recorded, but "ant-example" will not.
      regex - The new regex value
      Ant 1.7
    • addPropertyset

      public void addPropertyset(PropertySet ps)
      A set of properties to write.
      ps - the property set to write
      Ant 1.6
    • setFormat

      public void setFormat(EchoProperties.FormatAttribute ea)
      Set the output format - xml or text.
      ea - an enumerated FormatAttribute value
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Run the task.
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - trouble, probably file IO
    • saveProperties

      protected void saveProperties(Hashtable<Object,Object> allProps, OutputStream os) throws IOException, BuildException
      Send the key/value pairs in the hashtable to the given output stream. Only those properties matching the prefix constraint will be sent to the output stream. The output stream will be closed when this method returns.
      allProps - propfile to save
      os - output stream
      IOException - on output errors
      BuildException - on other errors
    • xmlSaveProperties

      protected void xmlSaveProperties(Properties props, OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Output the properties as xml output.
      props - the properties to save
      os - the output stream to write to (Note this gets closed)
      IOException - on error in writing to the stream
    • jdkSaveProperties

      protected void jdkSaveProperties(Properties props, OutputStream os, String header) throws IOException
      JDK 1.2 allows for the safer method, String), which throws an IOException on an output error.
      props - the properties to record
      os - record the properties to this output stream
      header - prepend this header to the property output
      IOException - on an I/O error during a write.